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Health & Safety Issues

We give regular updates on Health & Safety Issues. You can find the full list of updates below. 

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IOSH Managing Safely for Independent Schools in Scotland

IOSH Managing Safely is designed to provide anyone in a working role with the knowledge and confidence to drive safe working practices, and to promote a positive health and safety culture within their organisation.

June 12, 2024

Health & Safety

Health & Safety – IOSH Managing Safely

Navigator are proud to announce that we have received approval to deliver IOSH Managing Safely which we will now offer as our flagship health and safety training course.

May 16, 2024

Health & Safety

Health & Safety – HSE update RIDDOR guidance

While no changes have been made to Regulation itself the guidance on the HSE website has been updated, the intention being to help employers understand how and when they should submit a report under RIDDOR.

May 8, 2024

Health & Safety

Health & Safety – Lithium-ion batteries – a consideration in your fire risk assessment?

Rechargeable lithium-ion batteries are now a ubiquitous feature of our lives and are found in a multitude of items from mobile phones and laptops to portable tools, e-bikes and scooters, mobility aids, and electric vehicles.

February 19, 2024

Health & Safety

Health & Safety – South London school fined £80,000 over collapse of classroom ceiling

On 29 August 2023, at Westminster Magistrates’ Court, Thurlow Educational Trust pleaded guilty to breaching sections 2(1) and 3(1) of the Health and Safety at Work Act. The Trust was fined £80,000 and ordered to pay £7,116 in costs.

September 19, 2023

Health & Safety

Health & Safety – Council fined after falling tree killed a six year old girl in her school playground

On 10th January 2023 at South Tyneside Magistrates Court, Newcastle City Council were fined following the death of six year old Ella Henderson. Ella was crushed when a decaying willow tree in her school playground collapsed onto to her during high winds in September 2020.

January 17, 2023

Health & Safety

Health & Safety – Employee successful in claim of disability discrimination against employer who failed to make ‘reasonable adjustment’

An employment tribunal in December 2022 ruled unanimously that an employee working as a disabled employability advisor had been unfairly dismissed for requesting a suitable work chair for them to use at home.

January 16, 2023

Health & Safety

Health & Safety – Culture Club

Safety culture is an oft-heard expression but what does it mean? The concept of a ‘safety culture’ is a little vague as there is no definitive model, no single recognised international standard, against which an organisation can compare its safety culture.

May 6, 2022

Data Protection, Health & Safety

Health & Safety and Data Protection – HSE and ICO update Covid-19 advice for workplaces

On 31 March 2022, the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) updated their advice to workplaces on COVID-19. 

April 8, 2022

Health & Safety

Health & Safety – Changes to the Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) regulations

On 6th April 2022, the Personal Protective Equipment at Work (Amendment) Regulations 2022 (PPER 2022) came into force and amend the 1992 Regulations.

April 6, 2022

Health & Safety

Health & Safety – School fined £30,000 after mountain rescue team call out to evacuate pupils

In February 2022 Newcastle Magistrates Court heard that in March 2020 a group of 13 year 10 pupils from a school in Gateshead were on an organised school trip to Helvellyn in the Lake District. The group was led by one teacher and a teaching assistant.

March 7, 2022

Health & Safety

Health & Safety – HSE publish their annual statistics

In December the HSE published their 2020 / 21 statistics which cover work-related ill health, non-fatal workplace injuries and enforcement action taken by them. These annual statistics are prepared to illustrate to employers, policy makers, and employees themselves, of the health and safety risks they face while at work.

January 14, 2022

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