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Legal Issues

We give regular updates on employment law Legal Issues. You can find the full list of updates below. 

Legal Issues

Legal Issues – EAT says employer does not have to pay employees for travel time

Should travel time be remunerated by employers? This was the question in Taylors Poultry Services v HMRC.

July 11, 2024

Legal Issues

Legal Issues – Mandatory Office Attendance

Tensions continue with the post pandemic work norms. The government has cemented its commitment to flexible working with changes to the flexible working legislation allowing all staff the right to make a flexible working request on day one of employment.

June 26, 2024

Legal Issues

Legal Issues – Changes to Statutory Paternity Leave

On 8 March 2024 legislation came into force that makes changes to Statutory Paternity Leave. The Paternity Leave Amendment Regulations 2024 will apply to those whose child will be born or placed after 6 April 2024.

March 14, 2024

Legal Issues

Legal Issues – Tribunal Fees set to be reintroduced?

In 2017 the Supreme Court ruled that the government’s approach to fees in the employment tribunal was unlawful. Since then, it has been free for individuals to put forward an employment tribunal claim, but the government has recently begun a consultation regarding the reintroduction of these fees.

February 22, 2024

Legal Issues

Legal Issues – Holiday Pay

The case of Harpur Trust v Brazel prompted the government to launch a consultation around the issues of holiday pay. The government has recently confirmed that new legislation will come into force in 2024. What does this legislation say?

November 21, 2023

Legal Issues

Legal issues – Can lying on your expenses claim lead to dismissal?

The case of Mr S Fekete v Citibank considers this question. The Claimant in this case commenced work with the Respondent in 2015 and was employed as a EMEA Regulatory Exam Management and Oversight – Senior Analyst.

October 19, 2023

Legal Issues

Legal Issues – Workers (Predictable Terms and Conditions) Act 2023 receives Royal Assent

The Workers (Predictable Terms and Conditions) Act 2023 received Royal Assent on 18 September 2023. This Act allows for workers and agency workers to request a predictable working pattern.

September 21, 2023

Legal Issues

Legal Issues – Third Party Harassment

The Equality Act 2010 previously contained provisions that allowed workers to bring harassment claims against their employers based on the actions of third parties such as customers or suppliers if the harassment had occurred on at least three occasions. These sections were repealed in 2013.

August 14, 2023

Legal Issues

Legal Issues – Family friendly bills receive royal assent

Neonatal leave, carer’s leave and enhanced protection from redundancy are the new rights that have been enacted. These private members bills were first set out in the 2019 Employment Bill.

June 12, 2023

Legal Issues

Legal Issues – Employment (Allocation of Tips) Act 2023 receives Royal Assent

On 2 May 2023 the Employment (Allocation of Tips) Bill received Royal Assent. This Act will legally oblige employers to fairly allocate tips that they exercise control or a significant influence over.

May 11, 2023

Legal Issues

Legal Issues – Miscarriage, stillbirths and the law

It has been estimated that 25% of pregnancies in the UK end in pregnancy loss. The rules regarding maternity leave and pay are fairly well understood but how these interact with miscarriages and stillbirths are the source of some confusion.

April 20, 2023

Legal Issues

Legal Issues – A new right to request a predictable work pattern?

It was announced on 3 February 2023 that the government was supporting the Workers (Predictable Terms and Conditions) Bill 2022-23. This Bill would allow for workers and agency workers to request a predictable working pattern.

March 29, 2023

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