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IOSH Managing Safely for Independent Schools in Scotland

IOSH Managing Safely is designed to provide anyone in a working role with the knowledge and confidence to drive safe working practices, and to promote a positive health and safety culture within their organisation. What will it cover? This thought…

Health & Safety – IOSH Managing Safely

Navigator are proud to announce that we have received approval to deliver IOSH Managing Safely which we will now offer as our flagship health and safety training course. IOSH Managing Safely can be delivered ‘in-house’ at your premises, or as…

Health & Safety – HSE update RIDDOR guidance

While no changes have been made to Regulation itself the guidance on the HSE website has been updated, the intention being to help employers understand how and when they should submit a report under RIDDOR. The changes to the guidance…

Health & Safety – Culture Club

Safety culture is an oft-heard expression but what does it mean? The concept of a ‘safety culture’ is a little vague as there is no definitive model, no single recognised international standard, against which an organisation can compare its safety…