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Health & Safety – HSE publish their annual statistics

In December the HSE published their 2020 / 21 statistics which cover work-related ill health, non-fatal workplace injuries and enforcement action taken by them. These annual statistics are prepared to illustrate to employers, policy makers, and employees themselves, of the…

Health & Safety – Care organisation fined by HSE

Edinburgh based care organisation fined £20,000 after service user raped an employee The Action Group, who provide support to children and adults, has been fined after the HSE investigated how risks to staff were assessed, following an attack on an…

Health & Safety – Competent contractors?

In June, Bournemouth Crown Court sentenced a self-employed gas engineer who used false registration numbers after carrying out gas work and for also breaching an HSE Prohibition Notice. The engineer carried out work at properties in Dorset between December 2017…

Health & Safety – HSE autumn spot checks of schools

During the autumn 2020 term HSE carried out spot checks to determine the measures schools were taking to minimise the spread of Covid-19. 500 Scottish schools in 16 local authorities were contacted, these included schools in both the state and…