15 August 2019, Glasgow
What will it cover?
It is now over a year since the introduction of GDPR and the Data Protection Act 2018, which has seen organisations taking diligent steps to better protect sensitive data. However, most will recognise that there is still progress to be made to ensure full compliance. Having allowed a period of settling in time, the Information Commissioner’s Office has now tightened up on enforcement of GDPR. This half day ‘Coffee, Cake and Compliance’ workshop will take a sharp focus on the Independent Schools sector, revisiting some key topics, and exploring some less familiar ones in more depth. The session covers:
- The impact of GDPR and the Data Protection Act 2018
- An update on data breaches and how to handle them
- The issue of subject access
- Data Privacy Impact Assessments
- Recent updates on cookies consent
The session is interactive and will allow space for queries, not only legal but concerning delegates’ real life experiences also.
What are the outcomes?
Delegates will walk away with:
- Refreshed knowledge of the legislative requirements of GDPR and the Data Protection Act 2018
- Greater confidence in recognising and responding to data protection issues
- Enhanced ability to identify areas of improvement within your own specific school
- A defined action plan and list of required documents to ensure compliance
Who should attend?
This session is aimed at anyone responsible for any type of personal data within Independent Schools. Those possessing an understanding of data protection legislation will benefit most. The course acts as a suitable refresher for those with prior data protection knowledge and experience.
How long will the course last?
9:15am | Registration and coffee |
9:30am | Session start |
10:45am | Cake and fruit |
12:30pm | Session finish |
What will the cost be?
£120 plus VAT per delegate.
Reserving a place
Because this workshop is interactive, numbers are limited and early booking is advisable. To book your place, please e-mail Clare Lynch at clare.lynch@navigatorlaw.co.uk or call her on 03330 433 931.