Masterclass – Commercial Activities at Educational Establishments: Fundraising, Direct Marketing and Data Protection Law requirements
7th June 2022
1pm – 2.30pm
This Masterclass is aimed at professionals in the education sector looking for high-level training on educational establishments compliance in relation to commercial activities (for example, fundraising activities, or when providing access to sports facilities or school buildings for events on a commercial basis). It will provide an up-to-date overview of requirements in the UK GDPR, PECR (Privacy and Electronic Communications Regulations) and the ICO’s guidance on direct marketing.
This course is suitable for professionals in the education sector with a working knowledge of legal requirements relating to data protection and privacy who are looking for specialist training in relation to how the law applies to fundraising, marketing and commercial activities.
How long will the webinar last?
This will be delivered on 7th June 2022 at 1pm finishing by 2.30pm.
What will the cost be?
£50 plus VAT per delegate.
Reserving a place
To book places online, please complete the form below. Alternatively, please e-mail