Wednesday 4th December 2019
Navigator Employment Law Limited
Floor 3
1 – 4 Atholl Crescent
What will it cover?
This is the fourth in a series of workshops for the Independent Schools sector on potential staff cost savings. While you may have previously based the pay of teaching staff on SNCT pay scales, the current pay awards have likely acted as a catalyst for you to consider reviewing your pay structure to ensure affordability. Similarly, there may be historical reasons why certain posts are paid differently to other posts: now is your opportunity to address such anomalies. This workshop will cover:
- Potential contractual current pay structure status (we ask you bring along your current contract or pay procedure wording)
- Current pay structures within the Independent Schools sector
- Options on pay structures
- The importance of the total reward package
- Critical documentation to consider when changing your pay structure
- How you carry out external pay benchmarking
- How you assess the worth of a post in relation to other posts and the tools available
- The detailed steps to follow when changing your pay structure
- The risks and legal implications of changing your pay structure
What are the outcomes?
Attendees will walk away with:
- Confidence in your current pay strategy and status
- Awareness of the different pay options available
- Enhanced knowledge surrounding the steps to take to change your pay structure
- The information to make an informed decision on whether to change the pay structure to one aligned to your unique school
Who should attend?
This session is geared towards those that are responsible for the finances and/or the repercussions of varying staff terms and conditions. Takeaways include a free pay strategy template.
How long will the course be?
The workshop will be held in Navigator’s offices in Edinburgh commencing at 9:15am for a 9:30am start, and finishing at 12.30pm.
What will the cost be?
£120 plus VAT per delegate.
Reserving a place
Because these workshop are interactive, numbers are limited and early booking is advisable. To book places, please e-mail Clare Lynch at or call her on 03330 433 931.
Alternatively, you can book your space using our new online shop found here.