If you are looking to consider policies, procedures to implement Hybrid working then do not hesitate to speak with a member of our team.
From our experiences we know that remote working can support:
- Increased productivity
- Wider talent pools
- Improved employer/employee trust
However there are challenges that arise and being prepared for these can support successful hybrid working for all.
Whilst reduced commuting time is likely to be one of the positives, boundaries can be easily blurred so signposting the management of this by employers, along with other areas including support for wellbeing is encouraged. With our regularly available courses for mental health wellbeing we provide employers with in house expertise and resources on how to support positive working environments and spot the signs of poor wellbeing and mental health.
The Navigator team can help provide you with clarity on the contractual position of workplace changes, staff consultation methods for where you, the employer are considering changing workplace locations and methods to support and manage performance and training for hybrid working.
Our HR team also are available to supply training to your people management team to support a variety of working models in operation at your workplace that are designed to assist positive team building and the promotion of equality, diversity and inclusivity in hybrid teams to prevent divided workforces.
If you have any questions on any of the issues mentioned in the above article, please contact Ruth Gladwell.