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Legal Issues – Mandatory Office Attendance

Tensions continue with the post pandemic work norms. The government has cemented its commitment to flexible working with changes to the flexible working legislation allowing all staff the right to make a flexible working request on day one of employment.…

Legal Issues – Changes to Statutory Paternity Leave

On 8 March 2024 legislation came into force that makes changes to Statutory Paternity Leave. The Paternity Leave Amendment Regulations 2024 will apply to those whose child will be born or placed after 6 April 2024. The previous position was…

Legal Issues – Tribunal Fees set to be reintroduced?

In 2017 the Supreme Court ruled that the government’s approach to fees in the employment tribunal was unlawful. Since then, it has been free for individuals to put forward an employment tribunal claim, but the government has recently begun a…

Legal Issues – Holiday Pay

The case of Harpur Trust v Brazel prompted the government to launch a consultation around the issues of holiday pay. The government has recently confirmed that new legislation will come into force in 2024. What does this legislation say? Rolled…

Legal Issues – Third Party Harassment

The Equality Act 2010 previously contained provisions that allowed workers to bring harassment claims against their employers based on the actions of third parties such as customers or suppliers if the harassment had occurred on at least three occasions. These…

Legal Issues – Family friendly bills receive royal assent

Neonatal leave, carer’s leave and enhanced protection from redundancy are the new rights that have been enacted. These private members bills were first set out in the 2019 Employment Bill. Neonatal Leave The Neonatal Care (Leave and Pay) Act 2023…