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Ask the Expert – What is associative discrimination?

Associative discrimination is a form of direct discrimination. Direct discrimination is when person A is treated less favourably by B because of a protected characteristic. Associative discrimination occurs when A is treated less favourably based on a protected characteristic held…

Ask the Expert – Holiday Pay Claims

What does the Supreme Court case of Chief Constable of the Police Service of Northern Ireland v Agnew mean for holiday pay claims? When employers pay employees incorrectly for their holiday pay employees generally have to bring a claim within…

Ask the Expert – Are the rules on holiday pay changing?

The government has recently published a policy paper titled “Smarter regulation to grow the economy”. This paper includes proposals to permit rolled up holiday pay and to create a single entitlement for 5.6 weeks’ leave. Rolled up holiday pay used…

Ask the Expert – The BBC’s Social Media Policy Own Goal!

Even by Twitter’s rarefied standards, the recent social (and other news) media fallout – from a Gary Lineker tweet – was extensive.  Match of the Day, ultimately, proceeding without any presenter/pundits, or commentators, for the first time in living memory.…

Ask the Expert – How do employers deal with grievances?

A recent survey reveals that over the last few years 30% of employers have seen a rise in employees raising grievances. The most common subjects of these grievances are bullying and harassment and relationships with managers and colleagues. How should…

Ask the Expert – is menopause a protected characteristic?

There has been a lot of discussion recently about menopause and how it affects women in the workplace. Recently, there has been a notable increase in the number of Employment Tribunal cases in the UK which specifically revolve around a…