Tuesday 6th October saw us back at Blythwood Square in Glasgow for the second in our Autumn series of Employment Law Update seminars 2015. The day began with rain, but that didn’t stop our delegates popping in and warming up with a coffee and a roll. This time, our seminar was held in the ‘screening room’, pictured below, which provided comfortable seating with a cinema style setting. As always, our speakers were well received with the topic giving valuable information on when and how to discipline.
We thank those who have attended our Edinburgh and Glasgow seminars, and the great feedback we have received so far. We will be hosting the same topic for the last time this series at Skene House in Aberdeen on the 28th October.
For more information or to book a space, please contact Clare Lynch on email at clare.lynch@navigatorlaw.co.uk or by telephone on 03330 433 931.